Raising Helen

ImageSo far I have only discussed romantic comedies whose main focus is centered on the love interest element of the plot. The impression that all romantic comedies are the same is not a true reflection of this genre,though. Romantic comedies have various levels of romance to them.  Raising Helen is a movie that is considered a romantic comedy even though the love interest storyline is in the background. More about family than it is about romantic love, Raising Helen can almost be classified as a drama. Regardless of which category you wish to place it in Raising Helen is a must see movie. In a nut shell, Raising Helen is about a young carefree woman who when her sister dies finds herself responsible for the three orphaned children left behind. As an inexperienced parent Helen, the leading character, finds she must make major adjustment to her life in order to care for them.  Through her grief she must decide if she wants to remain living the live she once loved or embrace the new loves of her life. The romance comes into play when she meets the kids’ principal at their new school. He too, is a contradiction to the guys she dated in her old life style. Although this is a comedy with a love story nicely interwoven, at its core it is a touching story about love of family, responsibility and dealing with life’s toughest challenges. Raising Helen is guaranteed to pull at your heartstrings and make you laugh all at the same time.

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