The Wedding Planner

ImageGreat romantic comedies are those that can be watched time and time again and still be enjoyable even after the 50th time you’ve watched them.The Wedding Planner is among one of my top ten picks that fit this category. Now here’s a movie that on the surface is, yes, your typical runaway bride story but in a twist does not center around the bride. Instead the main character is, as the title suggests, the wedding planner. The story is centered around Mary Fiore a lonely wedding planner, played by Jennifer Lopez, who in a chance encounter meets a handsome doctor. Immediately the two have obvious sparks between them but to Mary’s surprise he ends up being the groom of one of the biggest weddings she is planning. When the bride is called away for business the two find they really like each other and eventually end up falling in love after realizing they were a better fit for each other. Now I know what some might be thinking, “why would I want to watch a movie that is so predictable?” The Wedding Planner is hilarious for one thing. At it’s heart it is a story of destiny and love.

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